Earnings Intelligence

Uncover more alpha before, during, and after earnings announcements with a 360° insights solution. Now covering Asia.

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Why it works

RavenPack Earnings Intelligence combines signals from separate sources augmented with sentiment and thematic analytics for a powerful alternative that captures more momentum during Earnings season:

Higher Frequency

More Data Points for more Insights

Traditional earnings data points like earnings are few and far between, which makes them harder to leverage in quantitative strategies. Earnings Intelligence combines multiple sources from earning-related news to insider transactions and earnings call transcripts to produce high-frequency signal components that better cater to trading models.

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Higher Frequency
Multiple Horizons

Momentum for your Trading Style

RavenPack Earnings Intelligence helps you build signals for short and longer-term investment strategies, from immediate opportunities to monthly periodic portfolio rebalancing. With detailed research on the effectiveness of each signal component by universe, region, and asset class, this approach seamlessly adapts to your specific trading style.

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Multiple Horizons
Fast Prototyping

Ready to be Activated

All the data in RavenPack Earnings Intelligence leverages a single reference data service to eliminate mapping errors. Jupyter notebooks are even available to fast-track the testing of suggested trading models, and integration into proprietary signals.

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Fast Prototyping
Backed by


RavenPack Earnings Intelligence is driven by research described in several white papers including:

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